New Independent house for rent at Thrissur near Punkunnam.Total area for this house is 1400 square feet.This house has spacious 3 bed rooms,attached bath rooms,hall, kitchen,work area,Pooja room.This house is semi furnished including facilities wardrobes in bed rooms,cupboards and cabinets in kitchen and electrical including fridge,TV,oven etc.
Rent for this semi furnished house is Rs 15000 per month and security deposit for house of Punkunnam is 4 months rent.It available for employed family.Sufficient well water and Corporation water also available.Compound wall and gate attached to this house.4 km away from Thrissur town.Nearest amenities are Hari sree school,Punkunnam shiva temple ,railway station etc.
Property Type : Independent House
Rent : 15000
Carpet Area : 15000 SQFT
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3
State : Kerala
House for rent at Punkunnam Thrissur 3 bed room independent house available for rent at Punkunnam Thrissur.Total built up area is 1400 sq ft.House located at good location with quiet neighborhood.3 bhk house for rent Rs 18000 per month.Double stored spacious house has well water and car parking..House attached gated compound wall. 3bhk house for […]
New house for rent at Viyyoor Thrissur A Brand new independent house for rent at Viyyoor Thrissur.Total built up area of the newly built house is 1800 square feet with sufficient car parking facility.It is double storied house with new modern house.It very neat house in a peaceful atmosphere.Rent for this 3 bhk house is […]
6BHK house for rent in Kottappuram Thrissur.It is a Naalukettu house with all infrastructure.Total area of this Naalukettu house is the 3000 square feet with car parking facility.It includes 6 bedrooms,6 bath rooms,1 garage.This house for rent RS 40000 per month. This place highly best area for commercial and residential with all facilities are available.Education […]
1000 square feet house for rent in Puthur Thrissur.Rent for this 3BHK house is 8000 per month with car parking is good residential and commericial area with all facilities near by.Education institutions,hospitals,shopping malls are located. Things at a Glance about 3BHK house for rent in Puthur Thrissur. Property Type : Independent House Rent : […]