Are you looking for land for sale in Mala? Here is a 40 cent land available for sale in Krishnankotta near Mala and it is situated 3 km away from the Kodungallur highway. It is suitable for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes.
Asking price of the land for sale in Mala, Thrissur is 3.5 lac per cent and it’s negotiable for the quick documentation.
Last updated on: 11-10-2020
Plot for sale in Amaballur Thrissur. It is a 15 cent residential land at prime residential area with good accessibility and transportation facility. It is a 15 cent land with gated compound wall and well water facility. Asking price of the residential land for sale Thrissur Amballur is 3.40 Lakhs per cent and is slightly […]
If you are searching for land for sale in Chalakudy, this is the best choice to buy. If you are looking to buy land to construct a house in one of the finest residential areas of Thrissur this plot will be a perfect one for you. Features 29 cents land area Chalakudy Thrissur Good transportation […]
Are you looking for land for constructing a house near Kizhoor? Here is a 10 cent plot available for sale in Vettikkaddavu, Kizhoor and it will be the suitable option for constructing a house, because it is situated in a good residential area with a good neighbourhood. Highlights Sufficient water availability Residential area Good neighbourhood […]
House plot available for sale near Medical college, Thrissur. It is very near to the city and you can easily access it. It comes with 34 cent land for residential needs. It is the best place for constructing homes and you will get sufficient water availability from here. It has a tar road frontage and […]