Here is a land available for sale in Malappuram. It is situated in Kakkad and comes with 1 acre of land area. It is suitable for commercial and residential purposes.The churches, temples, mosques, schools, colleges are nearly located to it and it offers sufficient open water facility.
Asking price of the land for sale in Malappuram is 10 lac per cent and it’s negotiable for the quick documentation.
Last updated on: 27-10-2020
Residential plot available for sale in Malappuram. It comes with 20 cents of plot area and is located in Velliyampuram, Thannur. It is ideal for constructing homes ,flat, etc..and situated near to the main road. Sufficient water availability Amenities are nearby Good residential area Good neighbourhood etc.. Asking price of the land for sale in […]
25 cent plot with a house for sale in Malappuram. The exact location of this land is Karuvarakundu, near Punnakkad and this land comes with 25 cents and it includes a double storey house.The built up area for this house is 1700 sq ft and this land provides open water facility. Near to the city […]
Here is a 10 cent plot available for sale near Karipur international airport. It’s a residential land suitable for residential purposes and it comes with a tar road frontage. Asking price of the land for sale near Airport, Malappuram is 1.5 lac per cent and it’s negotiable for the quick documentation. HF 300 Last updated […]
Land for sale in Thavanoor, Malappuram. It’s a 68 cent land with 2000 sq ft farm and this land filled with 70 nos coconut trees. It has 2 side tar roads and situated 2km away from Thavanoor agricultural college. This land provides sufficient water and electricity facilities. Asking price of the land for sale in […]