Double storied house for rent at Thrissur near Patturaikkal.Total area for this house is 1500 square feet with car parking facility.This house is situated near Aswini hospital Thrissur.It highly good area for families with best facilities are available nearby.Several governmental and private educational institutions are located near.
This house comes with two bedroom in ground floor and one bedrooms on the first floor. This 3bhk house includes wardrobes,cupboards and kitchen cabinets.It 1500 sq ft house with 3 bed rooms,attached bath rooms,hall,kitchen,work area,car parking facility.Sufficient well water and compound wall,gate attached to this house.
Rent for this double storied house is Rs 20000/-and security deposit is 3 months rent.It available for employed family.Nearest amenities of this area are Devamatha Public School,Ashwini hospital etc.It only 2 km away from Thrissur town.
Property Type : Independent House
Rent : 20000
Carpet Area : 1500 SQFT
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3
State : Kerala
House for rent at Ayyanthole Thrissur Double storied house available for rent at Ayyanthole Thrissur.This house situated near Nirmala college of Ayyanthole Thrissur.Total built area of this house is 1500 square feet with car parking facility.Nearest amenities are education institutions,shopping malls,religious places etc. New house for rent in Ayyanthole Thrissur Rs 15000/- House has spacious […]
House for rent at Amala Nagar Thrissur 3bhk independent house for rent in Amala Thrissur.Monthly rent for this 3 bhk house is Rs 9000.The total area of the house is 1250 with car parking facility.It is major residential and commercial area of the city.Religious places ,schools ,hospitals etc are located in this area.House located near […]
House for rent at Ollur Thrissur 3 bed room attached house for rent in Ollur Thrissur.Only 4 km away from Thrissur town.Total built up area come for this house is 1200 square feet above.It just 600 meters away from main road.In this house cupboards and wardrobes are used.Rent comes for this house is Rs 10000 […]
House for rent at Anchery Thrissur Independent house available for rent at Anchery ThrissurTotal built up area of this house is 2000 square feet with best car parking facility.This house has 4 spacious bed rooms.It is a double storied house.It is highly residential and commercial area of Thrissur city. 4bhk house for rent at Anchery […]