3BHK commercial house for rent in Punkunnam Thrissur.Total area of this house is 1000 square feet with car parking facility.This house includes the 3 bed rooms,3 bath rooms ,1 garage.Monthly rent for this house is Rs 20000.
It is located best place for the commercial purposes.It is very suited for the bussiness class people and office workers.Educational institutions,hospitals,shopping malls are located near.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation facility.
Property Type : House for commercial
Rent : 20000
Carpet Area : 1000 SQFT
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3
State : Kerala
Newly constructed house for rent commercial purpose at Ayyanthole Muthuvara near main road. Rent for this house is 50,000 per month and advance would be 1 Lakhs 4 bhk house for commercial purpose rent Ayyanthole Muthuvara This is a 2200 sqft newly constructed house for rent with best car parking area at front of the […]
2BHK upstairs house for rent commercial purpose in Paravattani Thrissur.Total area for this house is 2500.Monthly ren for this 2BHK house is 14000.It is highly residential area situated in the city of Thrissur.Located at best commericial space at Paravattani with good amenities near by. Things at a Glance about 2BHK upstairs house for rent commercial […]
3BHK commercial house for rent in near sakthan stand Thrissur.It is highly residential and commercial area for various purposes.Rent for this 3BHK house is 50000 per month with car parking facility.Total area of this house is 2000 square feet.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation facility. Things at a Glance about 2000 square feet house for […]
House for rent in commercial purposes in Ollur Thrissur.With 7 bed rooms and 4 bath rooms, 1 garage .Total area for this commercial house is 3000 square feet with car parking facility.Monthly rent for this house is 15000.It is situated about 5km away from the swaraj round.Education institutions, shopping centers,hospitals are located. Things at a […]