Commercial space for rent in Punkunnam Thrissur.This space comes with 2000 square feet with good amenities are near available.This space is suited for the any office for the companies,show rooms,ware house,godown etc.It highly commercial area of Thrissur city.
This commercial space useful for the office purposes,showrooms,etc.Commercial comes with 2000 square feet.It very useful for the business officers.Punkunnam is highly residential and commercial area of Thrissur city.There are many business institutions are situated.Located at best place with good amenities.Punkunnam railway station and Thrissur railway station are the nearby railway stations.Rent for this commercial space is Rs 35000 per month.Easily accessible and 24 hours transportation facility.
There is 2 km distance from Punkunnam to Thrissur swaraj round.
4km distance from the Punkunnam to Thrissur railway station and ksrtc bus stand Thrissur.
There is very nearest railway station is Punkunnam railway station.
The important places located near Punkunnam is Ayyanthole,Poothole,Kuttankulangara,Patturaikkal.
Property Type :
Rent : 35000
Carpet Area : 2000 SQFT
Bedrooms :
Bathrooms :
State : Kerala
Furnished flat for rent at East Fort Thrissur Fully furnished 2 bed room flat available for rent at East Fort Thrissur .Located at best place highly residential area of families.Total built up area comes the 1200 square feet with car parking.This 2 bed room flat located at the near jubilee mission hospital.Rent comes for this […]
Fully furnished flat for rent at Ayyanthole Thrissur 2 bed room flat for rent at Ayyanthole Thrissur.Total built up area comes for this flat is 1000 square feet with car parking facility.It fully furnished flat comes near the collectroate Ayyanthole Thrissur.Rent comes for this flat is Rs 16000 per month.Located at the second floor of […]
House for rent at Viyyur Thrissur Independent house available immediately for rent at Viyyur Thrissur.Total built up area of this house is 1000 square feet with car parking facility.Located at best residential area with good amenities including education institutions,shopping malls,religious places etc. 2bhk house for rent at viyyur Thrissur House comes with 2 bedrooms and […]
Furnished flat in Punkunnam for Rent 3 bedroom flat near Punkunnam Railway station is available for rent. It is a fully furnished flat . Total built up area of the flat is 1600sqft, exactly spacious and airy one. All the three bedrooms are bathroom attached and the flat comes with car parking and security person. […]