House for urgent sale in Feroke for 41 Lakhs. Total built area of the house is 1600sqft. House is near to Feroke College Feroke at a good residential area. This 41 Lakhs house for sale comes with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Built in a 6.6 Cents of land with good amenities in walking distance. 1 car parking area is provided at the house.. Being located at a best residential area, it offers good neighborhood and transportation facility day and night.
The house for Sale at Koduvally Kozhikode offers 1600 square feet of living space in 14.5 cents of land area. The main attraction of this stunning property is the highway frontage which gives good accessibility and better transportation facilities. This single-story House for Sale at Koduvally Kozhikode is secured with a four-side compound wall with […]
4 Bedroom House for Sale at Chelavoor Calicut offers 2000 square feet of comfortable living space in 5 cents of land area. It is located in a good residential area and has good accessibility and better transportation facilities. This Double-Storey 4 Bedroom House for Sale at Chelavoor Calicut consists of a sit-out, a common living […]
Brand New House for Sale at Karaparamba Kozhikode offers 2350 square feet of living space in 6.25 cents of land area. It is located in a good residential area and has good accessibility and better transportation facilities. It is located near NGO Quarters Kozhikode. This beautifully constructed Brand New House for Sale at Karaparamba Kozhikode […]
13 cent spacious double stored house for sale in Kunnamangalam Kozhikode, at one of the posh residential areas with good accessibilities and 24 hour easy transportation facilities towards all directions from the town. It has 4 bedrooms, hall, dining area, office room, kitchen and work area with separate common bathroom. Features 13 cent land area […]