5 cent land is for sale in Kallakallu Thrissur.In the land there are many plants and growing including coconut trees,fruitful trees etc.In the land there is plenty of well water even of hard summer.The land is well for both farmers and business persons.Price for per cent is 2 lakhs.
Total price for land for sale near Thrissur kalakkalu is 10 lakhs.This land is suited for the built the house.There is also arranged the concrete .Plot comes with sufficient water throughout the year inside the plot for sale at Kallakallu Thrissur.It highly residential area for families with good facilities.5 cent land located at corner plot.It located at main road frontage.
Plot for sale at good residential and commercial area of Thrissur city.Nearest amenities are education institutions,shopping centers,hospitals etc located nearest this area.Price for this per cent is 2 lakhs.Located at nice area with quiet neighborhood.
Are you looking for a land for sale near Medical college, Mulankunnathukavu? Here is a 12.5 cent land available for sale in Peringandoor and it is located just 2.5 km away from the Medical college. Asking price of the land for sale near Medical college, Thrissur is 3.50 lac per cent and it’s negotiable for […]
Agricultural land for sale in Wadakkanchery, Thrissur. It comes with 74 acre land and is situated near to the main bus route. This land includes: 4500 Teak 9000 rubber plants 500 Arjun tree( maruth) etc.. Veetti tree etc.. Asking price of the land for sale in Wadakkanchery, Thrissur is 45 k per cent and it’s […]
7.5 cent plot for sale in Thrissur Nellankara, at one of the posh residential areas with good transportation facilities towards all directions from the town. This land is ideal for constructing houses, shops etc with all easy amenities. It is a perfect square plot with good accessibility. Features 7.75 cent land area Thrissur Nellankara Square […]
If you’re looking for a plot to build a house in peaceful location, Here is a property worth to note. This 6 cent plot located very near to Amballur. Exact location of the property is Mannampetta. This property almost rectangular in shape which will perfect for build a good house with good frontage. The property […]