3BHK house for rent in Ayyanthole Thrissur.Total area of this house is 1000 square feet with car parking facility.it includes the 3 bedrooms,3 bath rooms,1 garage.Monthly rent for this house is RS 12000.
It is good place for the families.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation facility available.Decent neigbourhood and premium atmosphere and facilities. Its also located near by the educational institutions, worship centers for christain and hindu.
Property Type : Independent House
Rent : 12000
Carpet Area : 1000 SQFT
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3
State : Kerala
3000 square feet hostel for rent in Mannuthy Thrissur.Monthly rent for this 4BHK house is 15000 with car parking facility.it is suburb area on National Highway 47 of Thrissur city.It is also center for the many of the goverenment and private educational institutions.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation available. Things at a Glance about 3000 […]
Commercial house for sale at Anchery Thrissur 3 bed room ready to occupy house available for rent at Anchery for commercial purposes.It available for various business and commercial purposes.Spacious 3 bhk house located at highly residential and commercial area of Thrissur city.Commercial house is ideal for the any company offices,play schools,day care centers,Education institutions etc.1600 […]
House for rent at Patturaikkal Thrissur 3bhk house available for rent at Patturaikkal Thrissur.It is double storied house with best car parking area.This house built in 10 cents land with 2100 square feet house.It highly residential area with all good facilities are available nearby hospitals,shopping malls,schools etc.It semi furnished house with complete flooring,cup boards and […]
House for rent at East fort Thrissur 4 bed room house available for rent at East Fort Thrissur near Nellankara.Total built up area of this house is 2000 square feet with best car parking area.It is double storied house.Located at best residential area of Thrissur City. 4 bed room house for rent at East fort […]