House for sale Vattiyurkkavu for 49 Lakhs. Are you thinking to buy a house in Vattiyurkkavu for 49 Lakhs here is one with good neighbourhood and featured with all amenities in close. It is a 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom house with 1 car parking space.
This 3 bedroom house to sell in Vattiyurkkavu is built in 3 of land and is having water facility throughout the year. Attached with good main road and transportation facility 24 hours near to schools, bus stations and religious centers. Exact location of the property is Mangarath Lane Haritha Nagar Vattiyoorkavu Total built area of the house for sale Vattiyurkkavu is 1450sqft.
If you like to schedule a site visit for this beautiful house or like to know more details fill the form below. Thank you
Last Updated On : 20-08-2019
Are you looking for a fully furnished house for sale at the heart of Trivandrum city? Here is a 4 bedroom spacious double storey fantastic house available for sale in poojappura, Trivandrum. It is located at the heart of the city and you can easily access the areas of the city from this house. 4 […]
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