Are you looking for a land with a house for sale in Venjaramoodu? Here is a 13 cent land with a single storey house for sale in Venjaramoodu. It is situated 2 km away from the Venjaramoodu junction and near to Mururkonam.
More details:
Sufficient water availability
Asking price of the land for sale in Venjaramoodu, Trivandrum is 13.5 lac per cent and it’s negotiable for the quick documentation.
Last updated on: 26-9-2020
Rubber plantation available for sale in Nedumangad, Trivandrum. It comes with 25 acres and this land is filled with rubber plants. It has a tar road frontage and comes with easy accessibility. You will get sufficient water and electricity facilities from here. Asking price of the land for sale in Trivandrum is 25 k per […]
Residential plot available for sale in Pothencode, Trivandrum. It is situated 50 meters away from the Pothencode junction and it has a tar road frontage. It comes with a lory accessibility and it will be suitable for the residential purposes. Asking price of the plot for sale in Trivandrum is 4.6 lac per cent and […]
Here is a 10 cent land available for sale in Attingal, Trivandrum. It is located behind Govt.Medical college and just 300 meters from Navbharath high school. This land is suitable for residential purposes and it comes with a tar road frontage. Asking price of the land for sale in Attingal, Trivandrum is 6 lc per […]
Are you looking for land for sale in Kovalam? Here is a 60 cent land available for sale in Kovalam, Trivandrum. It is located 2 km from Vizhinjam international airport and very near to the Lighthouse road Azhakulam. Asking price of the land for sale in Kovalam, Trivandrum is 6.5 lac per cent and it’s […]