10 acre agricultural land for sale in Kasargod. If you are looking for a worthy land , it will be the best option for you.
7.5 acre land comes with 3500 arecanut trees and 2.5 acre land filled with rubber plants.coco, pepper, banana trees,teak ,and mahogany trees.
Asking price of the land for sale in Kasargod is 17 lac per acre and it’s negotiable for the quick documentation.
Last updated on: 29-9-2020
Agricultural land available for sale in kasargod.It comes with 6.20 acre land and it contains an open well, water facility. It’s a dry land with sufficient water availability and it is located in a good area with easy access. If you are looking for land for agricultural purposes, it will be the better option for […]
Rubber plantation is available for sale in Kasaragod. It comes with 4 acre land and this land is filled with rubber plants. If you are looking for land for agricultural purposes, it will be the best option for you. Asking price of the land for sale in Kasargod is 14 k per cent and it’s […]
Rubber plantation available for sale in Kasargod. It’s a 15 acre land full of rubber plants. It includes 1800 rubber plants, 1000 arecanut trees, and 200 coconut trees. It’s a worthy place and you can use this land for agricultural purposes. Asking price of the agricultural land for sale in Kasargod is 12 lac per […]
Rubber plantation for sale in kasargod. It comes with 13 acre and it comes with 2600 rubber trees and getting a good income from this wealthy land. It is located 2 km away from the bus route and this land includes one old tiled house, 2 sheds, and one open well. It offers an electricity […]