Independent house available in Punkunnam Thrissur.Total area of this house is 1800 square feet with car parking facility.House includes 4 bedrooms bathrooms,garage.Monthly rent for this house is Rs 15000.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation facility.This only available for families.Schools,hospitals,shopping centers are situated. Things at a Glance about 4BHK house for rent at Punkunnam Thrissur. Property […]
2BHK independent house for rent at Olari Thrissur.It 1200 sq ft house including with 2 bedrooms,bath rooms,kitchen,hall,car parking facility.Monthly rent for this house is Rs 8500.Easily accessible and 24 hour transportation facility.It only preferable for families. It is a major residential area in the city. It is 5 km away from Thrissur city. Several Hospitals, […]
Flat (5th floor) available for rent at Punkunnam Thrissur.It 1070 sq ft flat with car parking facility.This flat includes 2 bedrooms,bathrooms, car parking facility,power back up,lift,24 hour security.Monthly rent for this flat is Rs 12000.Easily accessible and 24 hours transportation facility. It is 2 km away from the Swaraj Round. Things at a Glance about […]
4BHK house available for rent at punkunnam Thrissur.It 2000 sq ft house with 4 bedrooms,bathrooms,car parking facility.Monthly rent for it 19000.It highly residential area for families with all best facilities are near to.Nearest amenities are education institutions,hospitals,shopping centers etc located. It is 2 km away from the Swaraj Round. Things at a Glance about 4BHK […]
Fully furnished flat 2BHK flat available for rent at Olarikkara Thrissur.It 1200 sq ft flat spacious area with 2 bedrooms,bathroom,car parking facility.This flat fully furnished including amenities TV,fridge,dining table,chairs,lights,fans,sofas,cooler,wardrobes,kitchen cupboards etc.Monthly rent for this flat is Rs 11000 + 700 maintenance.It is 5 km away from Thrissur city.several Hospitals, Temples and Churches are situated here.This […]
2BHK flat (ground floor) for rent at Patturaikkal Thrissur.Total area for this house is 1000 square feet with car parking facility.It includes the 2 bed rooms,2 bath rooms,1 garage.Monthly rent for this house is 12000.Located at best place of thrissur city.It is only 2 km from Punkunnam Siva Temple and Thiruvambady Sree Krishna temples are […]
1BHK upstairs for rent in Poothole Thrissur.Total area for this upstairs 1000 square feet with car parking facility.It includes the 1 bedroom,1 bath room,1 garage.Monthly rent for this house is 8000.It located at best place for families with all facilities are near available.Education institutions,hospitals are located near. Things at a Glance about Upstairs for rent […]
3BHK flat for available for rent in Patturaikkal Thrissur.Total area for this flat is 1420 square feet with car parking includes the 3 bedrooms,3 bath rooms,1 garage.Monthly rent for this house is 12,000.There is water facility,well,surrounded with wall,security.Located at best place with best amenities are near available.It is only 2 km from. Punkunnam Siva […]
2BHK fully furnished house available in Punkunnam Thrissur.Total area for this flat is 950 square feet with car parking facility.It only available for families.IT includes amenities 2 bedrooms,2 bath rooms, gas,car parking facility,24 hours security at premium location Punkunnam.Monthly rent for this flat 13500 + 1300 maintenance. Things at a Glance about 2BHK fully furnished […]